July 16, 2008

The minor prophet mentality

Today I was reading in Ezekiel and I had never realized just how insane christian this guy was. The mentality this guy had was crazy radical. God has been talking to me about taking on the minor prophet mentality. The mentality of the minor phrophet is one of being independent of the world yet trying to take it back for God. It is one of not caring about what the world thinks about us. It is one about not caring if were not socially accepted or outcasts, it is one of being radical christians and totally on fire for God.

July 15, 2008

Why I called it the Six Feet Under Blog

God has recently been talking 2 me about the phrase 6 feet under. This doesn't mean I have a weird fascination with death. It deals with as christians we get saved and act like we have our ticket to heaven and that's it. We act like we have one foot in the grave, and we are waiting to be six feet under. As a christain that is a place I just don't want to be. I want to fufill the phrase of being Jesus' hands and feet, to be Jesus to the world.