August 18, 2008

Are You Certain? (Law of the Few part 2)

As I've been studying the history of Charles Finney and other revivals. I have realized the devil really isn't scared of most Christians because he has drawn them from the fire of the early church. While they are still Christians they lost the passion for God. The devil has so twisted some things in church they are no longer what they used to be. He has taken the true meanings from some of those things. When you ask most regular people about the church they don't see the sold out people it is supposed to represent. When the devil starts getting scared is when those Few raise up, the ones with fire in their eye, the ones who no longer care about how the world views them. These are the ones who turn over the traditions who put back meaning into them. They are the ones who start revivals. When Jesus was being tried people came to Pilate and said, "It is certain Jews...", you see it wasn't the whole Jewish nation they were afraid, it was the certain ones, the ones who were "troublemakers, the ones with fire in their eyes. That got him scared. Are you Certain, are you one of the Few

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