August 10, 2008

Unlikely Firestarters

Recently I've been reading up on the history of revivals, and i've noticed how unlikely these people were. You know it wasn't the guys wearing suits on television starting these revivals far from many times it was teh outcasts or the nobodies who started these incredible moves of God. The English revival of the 1600s was started by these monks who lived in this little backwater village. These monks saw how Christianity had deteroited and so these 60 or so monks started to pray, their prayers did not stop for 112 year. They prayed non-stop for 112 years. During this time healings happened and tongues were rediscovered, all because they wanted to pray. Then there is the Asbury revival 1970. It was this liitle college and one day they went to chapel not expecting much more than their little 50 minutes fo "Jesus time", but god had a different idea. The heavens literally opened on this chapel and the chapel lasted for 185 hours. It's insane, I mean can't even imagine something so radical just happening. The Jesus movement of the 70s was also just crazy. When I think of hippies I think of long hair, free love, pot smoking hippies, but there was another side to the hippie movement. Because these people just came in and sat on the floor during church they started one of the most radical movements of the last 50 years. They were just insane, sold out for God christians. When I think of the revival I know is coming I think who going to start this brushfire, is it going be one of us?

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